

In 2015, from the perspective of national interests, giving priority to the development of education, accelerating the modernization of education, and building an educational power; by fully realizing that education is the key of national rejuvenation and social progress, the Ministry of Education brought robotic education and quality education into the educational schedule of the schools. In the same year, the National School Sports League (Robot) was established in accordance with the relevant provisions of the <Education Law of the People's Republic of China> and combining with the spirit of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education, then the Articles of the National School Sports League (Robot) was formulated, which was promulgated and implemented within the scope of the members of the League, pointing out the direction for the League to actively carry out project promotion, education and teaching reform, scientific research, exchange and training, forum and exhibition, sports and education fund, event management and other work under the leadership of the Ministry of Education.


National School League Network(www.cqesa.com) “Everyone Care" column is a platform for educational administrative departments at all levels, schools, teachers, students, parents, all sectors of society and caring people. The Editorial Department sincerely welcomes you to present valuable suggestions for the active, healthy and universal development of quality education in our country. In the form of sending words, we can encourage each other and make progress together.


Let's join hands to fully practice the robot education advocated by the Ministry of Education, which is a great project beneficial to the country, the people and the future generations.


Nationwide Service Hotline: 95130211

    刘敏 鹤岗市第二十一中学小学部教师

    寄语:祝愿全国学校联盟网在新的一年里事业蒸蒸日上,祝愿全国小学知识大赛鹤岗赛区圆满成功! 【详情】

    霍玉磊 齐齐哈尔市铁锋区第一小学校长

    寄语:亲爱的同学们,大家好!得知你们即将参加“神通杯”第一届全国学校体育联盟小学机器人知识竞赛,我为你们感到高兴,更为你们感到自豪。一直以来,学校非常重视学生创新思维和创造能力的培养与塑造,让机器人走进课堂,让大家在课堂上去发现、去成长、去创造。此次大赛既是对大家前段学习过程的一个检验,又是对大家的一次自我提升与挑战。相信大家一定会积极参与此次大赛,不惧困难,用实力和成绩为自己代言!为学校代言!加油! 【详情】

    靳庆伟 同江市前进学校安全办主任

    寄语:引领未来之路,科技创新在少年。少年时代机器人教育尤为重要,培养学生发散思维,创新能力,团队合作。感谢组委会,预祝本次大赛圆满成功! 【详情】




    寄语:常有同学对我说:“要给我一个舞台,我也一样会光彩夺目。”其实现实生活中的舞台很多,关键是你如何去发现它,看待它。这次全国学校联盟小学大赛为同学们搭建了一个科技与文化相结合的舞台,这是一个展示自我、超越自我的舞台。在这里你可以一展科技知识储备,可以尽现艺术风采。 国家需要创新人才,这创新精神从何而来?答案很简单,源自于对知识的储备,艺术的培养,这些真谛都在于追求,在于创新,他们的力量是无【详情】