

In 2015, from the perspective of national interests, giving priority to the development of education, accelerating the modernization of education, and building an educational power; by fully realizing that education is the key of national rejuvenation and social progress, the Ministry of Education brought robotic education and quality education into the educational schedule of the schools. In the same year, the National School Sports League (Robot) was established in accordance with the relevant provisions of the <Education Law of the People's Republic of China> and combining with the spirit of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education, then the Articles of the National School Sports League (Robot) was formulated, which was promulgated and implemented within the scope of the members of the League, pointing out the direction for the League to actively carry out project promotion, education and teaching reform, scientific research, exchange and training, forum and exhibition, sports and education fund, event management and other work under the leadership of the Ministry of Education.


National School League Network(www.cqesa.com) “Everyone Care" column is a platform for educational administrative departments at all levels, schools, teachers, students, parents, all sectors of society and caring people. The Editorial Department sincerely welcomes you to present valuable suggestions for the active, healthy and universal development of quality education in our country. In the form of sending words, we can encourage each other and make progress together.


Let's join hands to fully practice the robot education advocated by the Ministry of Education, which is a great project beneficial to the country, the people and the future generations.


Nationwide Service Hotline: 95130211

    董淑娟 鹤岗市南山青少年活动中心主任

    寄语:300年前培根说:“知识就是力量。” 50年前爱因斯坦说:“想象力比知识更重要。” 全国学校联盟网大家关怀栏目主旨是要通过大家的努力,让广大青少年学生保持对身边事物的好奇心,激发他们的想象力、实践力。被先进的科技之火点燃时,知识也会长出翅膀,青少年美好的未来就此绽放! 愿:全国学校联盟网大家关怀栏目能真正贴近青少年学生的生活,关注青少年的成长,为推动广大青少年的喜爱,成为推动广大青【详情】

    徐晓光 鹤岗市欣虹小学主任

    寄语:科技改变生活, 创新引领未来! 预祝“东安杯”全国青少年机器人创新挑战赛取得圆满成功!【详情】

    张子亚 鹤岗市新南小学教师

    寄语:无论比赛成绩如何,每个孩子都是希望的种子,只不过花期不同,有的花,一开始就灿烂绽放;有的花,需要漫长的等待,细心的呵护,慢慢的成长,这如何不是一种幸福。相信孩子,静待花开,希望每个孩子都能做比赛的主人,能在其中获得成长。 最后,预祝全国青少年机器人创新挑战赛圆满成功!【详情】

    孙美多 鹤岗市工农青少年活动中心校长

    寄语:预祝“东安杯”全国青少年机器人创新挑战赛圆满成功! 【详情】

    丛丽娟 大庆市东新四小党办主任
