

In 2015, from the perspective of national interests, giving priority to the development of education, accelerating the modernization of education, and building an educational power; by fully realizing that education is the key of national rejuvenation and social progress, the Ministry of Education brought robotic education and quality education into the educational schedule of the schools. In the same year, the National School Sports League (Robot) was established in accordance with the relevant provisions of the <Education Law of the People's Republic of China> and combining with the spirit of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education, then the Articles of the National School Sports League (Robot) was formulated, which was promulgated and implemented within the scope of the members of the League, pointing out the direction for the League to actively carry out project promotion, education and teaching reform, scientific research, exchange and training, forum and exhibition, sports and education fund, event management and other work under the leadership of the Ministry of Education.


National School League Network(www.cqesa.com) “Everyone Care" column is a platform for educational administrative departments at all levels, schools, teachers, students, parents, all sectors of society and caring people. The Editorial Department sincerely welcomes you to present valuable suggestions for the active, healthy and universal development of quality education in our country. In the form of sending words, we can encourage each other and make progress together.


Let's join hands to fully practice the robot education advocated by the Ministry of Education, which is a great project beneficial to the country, the people and the future generations.


Nationwide Service Hotline: 95130211


    寄语:举办“神通杯”第一届全国学校联盟中小学机器人知识大赛的通知,为规范组织、普及开展、指导我市学校的人工智能和机器人教育明确了发展方向,确定了工作目标。 习近平总书记指出,随着信息化、工业化不断融合,以机器人科技为代表的智能产业蓬勃兴起,成为现时代科技创新的一个重要标志。少年强,则国强,青少年的智能机器人教育水平决定一个国家未来的发展速度和高度。 本次机器人知识大赛,我校组织全市近两千名【详情】

    王鹤新 鹤岗市职业技术学校教师

    寄语:新年伊始万象更新,祝全国学校联盟网在推进中国的职业教育改革与发展上取得崭新篇章! 【详情】

    陆峻宇 哈尔滨市香和小学四年级2班学生

    寄语:大家好,我是香和小学四年级2班的陆峻宇。近期学校开展机器人知识比赛,时间虽然短暂,但我却收获很多。在学习中,我了解了机器人控制原理及工业发展等方面的知识。之前我没有接触到机器人相关学习知识,认为机器人是一门高深的学问。学习后我发现,机器人并不是高山流水,曲高和寡,只要潜心学习探索,定有收获。我将在今后的学习当中,跟小伙伴们加倍努力,将来研究更为成功的科学技术,谢谢大家! 【详情】

    陈菲菲 哈尔滨市宾县第四小学校教师

    寄语:感谢“神通杯”第一届全国学校联盟小学机器人知识大赛为学生们打造了一个学习知识、竞赛成长、展示才艺的平台,在比赛中培养了学生们的创新意识,发散思维,实际操作能力和团队合作意识,同时感谢宾县赛事组委会和宾县教育局主管部门,对本次大赛的大力支持和精心指导。在此我谨代表宾县第四小学全体师生和家长,预祝本次大赛圆满成功。 【详情】


    寄语:神通杯第一届全国学校联盟小学机器人知识大赛已经顺利拉开了帷幕,本次比赛以机器人知识为目标,以才艺展示为载体,为全国少年儿童搭建了展示自我、发挥潜能的舞台,我校一百三十余名学生参加了此次比赛,希望他们能赛出好成绩。同时,感谢此次大赛的举办单位及龙口基地老师对我校的精心指导和大力支持,预祝大赛圆满成功! 【详情】