

In 2015, from the perspective of national interests, giving priority to the development of education, accelerating the modernization of education, and building an educational power; by fully realizing that education is the key of national rejuvenation and social progress, the Ministry of Education brought robotic education and quality education into the educational schedule of the schools. In the same year, the National School Sports League (Robot) was established in accordance with the relevant provisions of the <Education Law of the People's Republic of China> and combining with the spirit of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education, then the Articles of the National School Sports League (Robot) was formulated, which was promulgated and implemented within the scope of the members of the League, pointing out the direction for the League to actively carry out project promotion, education and teaching reform, scientific research, exchange and training, forum and exhibition, sports and education fund, event management and other work under the leadership of the Ministry of Education.


National School League Network(www.cqesa.com) “Everyone Care" column is a platform for educational administrative departments at all levels, schools, teachers, students, parents, all sectors of society and caring people. The Editorial Department sincerely welcomes you to present valuable suggestions for the active, healthy and universal development of quality education in our country. In the form of sending words, we can encourage each other and make progress together.


Let's join hands to fully practice the robot education advocated by the Ministry of Education, which is a great project beneficial to the country, the people and the future generations.


Nationwide Service Hotline: 95130211

    张妍 黑龙江省牡丹江市清福小学教师

    寄语:大家好,我是黑龙江省牡丹江市清福小学的张岩老师。“神通杯”第一届全国学校联盟小学机器人知识大赛隆重开,再次感谢大赛组委会给孩子们搭建了学习科技知识的平台;同时,我代表清福小学科技社团的老师把真诚的祝福送给每一位参赛选手。清福小学科技社团一直深受清福少年的喜爱,社团倡导形成积极的思考方式,构建开放的科学学习环境,为每个孩子提供科技成长的平台。 亲爱的同学们,希望你们在新的一年里,在生活中永远【详情】

    王涵 哈尔滨市香和小学四年级2班学生


    韩茜沫 哈尔滨市香和小学学生


    邱美霞 牡丹江市宁安市第四小学大队辅导员

    寄语:春风贺喜,花枝满园。科技少年,梦想正启程。大家好,我是宁安市第四小学大队辅导员邱老师。乘着科技的翅膀,“神通杯”第一届全国小学机器人大赛,正在火热进行中,希望所有参加本次大赛的同学,赛出风格、赛出水平、取得优异成绩,并预祝本次大赛圆满成功。 科技兴则民族兴,科技强则国家强。正如习总书记所说:目前我们比历史上任何时期都更需要建设世界科技强国! 同学们,科技强国的号角已经在神州大地吹响,宁安【详情】

    王国庆 牡丹江市东安区教育局党组书记、局长

    寄语:大家好,我是黑龙江省牡丹江市东安区教育局党组书记、局长王国庆,我在雪城牡丹江向您问好。“神通杯”第一届全国学校联盟小学生机器人知识大赛,是面向全国小学生举办的公益性大赛,是检验机器人素质教育成果的大赛,是助推德智体美劳全面发展的大赛。东安区教育局要精心组织,积极参赛,勇于拼搏,争创佳绩,为丹江争光,为东安添彩。 【详情】