

In 2015, from the perspective of national interests, giving priority to the development of education, accelerating the modernization of education, and building an educational power; by fully realizing that education is the key of national rejuvenation and social progress, the Ministry of Education brought robotic education and quality education into the educational schedule of the schools. In the same year, the National School Sports League (Robot) was established in accordance with the relevant provisions of the <Education Law of the People's Republic of China> and combining with the spirit of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education, then the Articles of the National School Sports League (Robot) was formulated, which was promulgated and implemented within the scope of the members of the League, pointing out the direction for the League to actively carry out project promotion, education and teaching reform, scientific research, exchange and training, forum and exhibition, sports and education fund, event management and other work under the leadership of the Ministry of Education.


National School League Network(www.cqesa.com) “Everyone Care" column is a platform for educational administrative departments at all levels, schools, teachers, students, parents, all sectors of society and caring people. The Editorial Department sincerely welcomes you to present valuable suggestions for the active, healthy and universal development of quality education in our country. In the form of sending words, we can encourage each other and make progress together.


Let's join hands to fully practice the robot education advocated by the Ministry of Education, which is a great project beneficial to the country, the people and the future generations.


Nationwide Service Hotline: 95130211

    刘新利 济南第三中学校长

    寄语:机器人竞技运动在国际上已是一项成熟的体育运动,机器人竞赛在高智能人才培养和产业带动方面的重要价值已经越来越被重视。在我国,机器人竞赛活动已有十多年的历史,由全国科协等单位发起举办的面向广大青少年的一些机器人竞赛活动,已取得较好社会反响。 【详情】

    杨长寨 济南第三中学党委书记

    寄语:素质体育是利国利民的伟大工程,可以拓展孩子的视野,增加孩子的能力,为孩子未来打下良好的基础。 【详情】

    李新生 济南市历城二中党支部书记、校长


    王品木 山东实验高中校长、党委书记

    寄语:机器人竞赛是一个能激发青少年天赋和技巧的非凡舞台,比赛的过程对培养他们创造性思维和解决问题的能力有很大的帮助。机器人大赛的举办,为提高学生动手实践能力,培养国家科研优秀后备力量提供了难得的机遇。 【详情】

    鲁民 邯郸市第二中学艺体部主任
