何健 教授

北京大学医学部医学学士学位,美国Wake Forest University 博士, 美国梅奥诊所(Mayo Clinic)博士后及临床住院医毕业,中国医学科学院、北京协和医学院教授、博士生导师,香港大学医学院荣誉教授,持有美国联邦政府颁发的医疗服务执业许可、美国临床化学家资质(DABCC)。


曾任美国华盛顿特区大型医疗中心WRAMC的检验医学部主任;美国最大的功能医学及抗衰老诊断中心Genova Diagnostics的主任兼法人。

He Jian Professor

Bachelor of Medicine of Peking University Health Science Center; Doctor of US Wake Forest University; Post Doctorate and Clinical Resident of US Mayo Clinic; Professor and Ph.D. Adviser of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) and Peking Union Medical College; Honorary Professor of Medical School of University of Hong Kong; holds the medical service license issued by the US Federal Government, as well as Qualification of American Association for Clinical Chemistry (DABCC).

Vice Chairman of National School Sports League Robot Working Committee; Executive Dean of National Health Industry Research Institute Functional Medical Branch, Shanghai Jiaotong University; Director of the Institute of Microbiology, Peking University-East China Institute of Life Sciences; Director and Researcher of Health Care Research Center of Institute of Internet Industry, Tsinghua University; Founder and Director of Peking Union Lawke Center For Functional Medicine; Founder of China Functional Medicine Website(www.gnyx.org); Chairman of Peking Lawke Medical Examination Laboratory Co.,Ltd.; Special Expert invited by Beijing Municipal Government; Assessment Expert of Beijing Science Progress Award; Leader of Functional Medicine Group of Chinese Hospital Association - Disease and Health Management Committee.

Former Director of the Laboratory Medicine Department of WRAMC - a large medical center in Washington, DC; Former Director and Legal Representative of Genova Diagnostics - the largest functional medicine and anti-aging diagnostic center in the United States.