
Advance Study and Training Abroad


Canada Online School

学校概况  Profile:

Canada Online School (COS) is a private secondary school (grade 9 to 12) in the Province of Ontario, Canada registered with the Ministry of Education with BSID #886512, and most recently passed an inspection to grant credits toward the Ontario Secondary School Diploma in July 2019. COS is a completely online and virtual school which allows learners to complete courses from anywhere with a computer or phone and Internet connection, which also offers offline support through our partner schools.


As an online school, our goal is to enable every student’s success by providing effective, accessible, and recognized learning experiences. Our mission is to make world-class secondary school education available to as many students as possible around the world, no matter the circumstances they find themselves in. We are here to remove barriers and enable students to achieve success in their academic and future professional careers.


We emphasize the model of the Flipped Classroom, allowing our teachers to act primarily as resources supporting the students while the student retains the initiative and control over their own learning, focusing the learning opportunities efficiently when teacher and student interact. Students are able to access their course content 24/7 and learn at their own pace, using a variety of interactive content to enhance their learning, in ways that only a technology-based learning experience can accomplish.


Whether students cannot physically attend school due to conflicts, are unable to schedule courses in the right time slots, or need to move at a different pace than the regular semester system, they will find our flexible program a solution for them.


In addition, COS is pleased to serve foreign students who will find our program especially suitable due to the opportunity to enroll receive world-class education from anywhere in the world, at an affordable cost. They will be able to achieve more with a positive home environment living with their parents without going abroad at a too early age, and even access additional offline, physical classroom support at select partner schools in their local areas.


About Canada and Ontario


With a total area of 9,980,000 square kilometers, Canada is the largest country in North America and the second largest in the world. Canada is known as the “Land of Maples”, and Ottawa is the capital city. Canada is a bilingual country: the official languages are English and French. Built by immigrants, Canada possesses a rich variety of ethnicities, traditions and cultures. Canada is a developed country, and its economy benefits from an abundance of natural resources as well as a robust science and technology sector. Canada also ranks among the top na? ons worldwide in terms of education, government transparency, political and economic freedom, and quality of life.


Ontario is located in east-central Canada. It is home to the nation’s capital city, Ottawa, and the nation’s most populous city, Toronto. Ontario is widely regarded as the economic and political centre of Canada. The province contributes a substantial part of the country’s GDP, approximately 40%. Its per-capita income level is higher than the national average. Ontario enjoys an abundance of educational resources and has the largest number of universities in Canada, including the University of Toronto, McMaster University, Queen’s University, the University of Waterloo, and Western University, among others.


Courses Available


Why Choose Canada Online School?

· All teachers are Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) certified

· Modern technology and interactive content, including virtual labs, fun activities, 24/7 access to lesson content

· Teachers available for 1 on 1 feedback and customized learning

· Students enrolled are assigned an Ontario Education Number, and gain access to Ontario university applications through the OUAC 101 pathway as an Ontario student with much higher chance of university acceptance

· Freely accessible around the world, and does not require the use of VPN software

· OSSD is world recognized and students with the credential are eligible to apply to universities in Canada, US, Europe, Australia, and many other countries

· Assessment and Evaluation is based on a combination of term coursework (70%) and exams (30%) for each course. There is no singular high pressure exam such as the Gao Kao system in China.

· COS offers transfer credit for students entering from a different school system. A student can transfer up to 22 credits


· 所有老师都经过安大略师范学院(OCT)认证

· 现代技术和交互式内容,包括虚拟实验室,有趣的活动,24/7全天候访问课程内容

· 教师可进行一对一的反馈和定制学习

· 入学的学生被分配了安省教育编号,并以OUAC 101途径获得安省学生访问安省大学申请的机会,而安省学生获得大学录取的机会要高得多

· 可在世界各地免费访问,并且不需要使用VPN软件

· OSSD是世界公认的,具有证书的学生有资格申请加拿大,美国,欧洲,澳大利亚和许多其他国家的大学

· 评估和评估基于每门课程的学期课程作业(70%)和期末考试(30%)的组合。没有像高考系统这样的高压力考试方式。

· COS为从其他学校系统进入的学生提供转学分服务。一个学生最多可以转移22个学分