
Advance Study and Training Abroad


Hollywood Beauty School

学校概况  Profile:

Since be founded in 1925, Hollywool, the capital of film is the fashion and beauty center of the world. It is the Hollywood Beauty School who popularizes the cutting-edge fashion, hairdressing and manicure to Japan. It has created a number of “beauty angles” since being founded. Training the first class artists that can lead people to happiness is the pride and honor of this school.

从1925年(大正14年)创立时起,世界时尚和美容中心就是电影之都好莱坞。 将其最尖端的时装和美发美甲美容的全面美容推广到日本的就是好莱坞美颜专科学校。 自创立以来,在东京诞生了众多的“美丽天使”。 培养带领人们走向美好幸福的一流艺术家是我们的骄傲。

The real beautiful life is realized by gradually improving the beauty of spirit, health, charm, dress, life and environment. Since its establishment, this pioneer school has been based on the philosophy of beauty to promote the most advanced overall beauty and fashion in Japan.

真正的美丽生活是通过向精神美、健康美、姿色美、服饰美、生活美、环境美逐步提升来实现的。 本校从创立时起就是以这种美的哲学为基础,将最先进的整体美容和时尚推广到日本的先锋学校。