
Advance Study and Training Abroad


TCA Tokyo ECO Animal Ocean School

学校概况  Profile:

Aiming at cultivating talents for the society in the field of animal, ocean, and natural environment, this school has the unique courses for training ready for work talents in animal, ocean and natural environment; moreover, industry & school joint educational system was established through close cooperation with enterprises


Practice lessons that invite professionals who are active in the industry to serve as lectures and that let students learn practical work in the facilities or work sites of the enterprises; accumulating”experience as well as mastering the ability required for target work, this is the unique educational system.


Over the years, the school has established reliable relationship with enterprises and professionals related to animal, ocean and natural environment. It is because of the school that the industry&school joint educational system has been realized.


There are more than 10,000 graduates who like to work and contribute to the society. Their dreams have been realized.

以“喜欢”为工作、为社会作出贡献的毕业生已有1万多人 ※。 实现了各自的梦想,活跃在令人向往的行业。