• 由校工委交流中心、牡丹江市东安区人民政府的共同承办的中国国际青少年机器人交流活动赴日本交流学习团,于2020年1月10日从牡丹江海浪国际机场启程,为牡丹江市成功举办2021年中日韩青少年机器人交流活动奠定了坚实的基础。
    The China International Youth Robot Exchange activity co-organised by the National School Sports League Robot Working Committee Exchange Centre and the People's government of Dong'an District, Mudanjiang City, formed an exchange team setting sail for Japan from Mudanjiang's Hailang International Airport on January 10 2020, the departure is seen to have laid a solid foundation for the city to successfully host 2021 China-Japan-Korea Youth Robot Exchange Scheme.
  • 2020年1月16日,中国国际青少年机器人日本东京交流团圆满完成交流学习任务,搭乘韩国大韩航空公司班机于上午11点50分降落在牡丹江海浪国际机场。
    On January 16,2019, the delegation of China International Youth Robot Exchange for Tokyo successfully completed the exchange programme and landed at Mudanjiang Hailang International Airport at 11:50am via Korean Air.
  • 2020年1月17日,校工委交流中心张鑫同志率2020年寒假交流团部分成员代表及团长赴全国友协观摩学习,全国友协美大部NGO处段军处长、NGO处武炳洁同志、办公厅行管处操小卫同志亲切接待了交流团成员们,并对大家做出访礼仪等外事培训。
    On January 17, 2020, Mr. Zhang Xin of National School Sports League Robot Working Committee;s Exchange Centre led members of 2020 winter exchange delegation for a visit to The Chinese People's Association for Friendship With Foreign Countries and were warmly received by Mr. Duan, the chief of The Americas and Oceania division of The Chinese People's Association for Friendship With Foreign Countries, Mr. Bingjie Wu, the chief of The NGO division of The Chinese People's Association for Friendship With Foreign Countries, Mr. Xiaowei Cao from adminstrative office, who jointly offered etiquette instructions to the team members for overseas exchange.
  • 2020年1月18日,中国国际青少年机器人公费交流活动赴日本代表团于北京首都国际机场启航。
    On January 18, 2020, the delegation of China International Youth Robot Exchange Activity to Janpan set sail at Beijing Capital International Airport.
  • 2020年1月18日,中国国际青少年机器人公费交流活动赴韩国代表团于北京首都国际机场启航。
    On January 18, 2020, the delegation of China International Youth Robot Exchange Activity to the Republic of Korea set sail at Beijing Capital International Airport.
  • 2020年1月19日,校工委副秘书长刘彬同志与Canada Online School(加拿大在线学校)董事长周辉先生召开了工作会议,双方就加拿大高中在线课程OSSD教学平台设立、课程开发、资格认证、师资培养、招生范围、宣传推广等方面进行了深入沟通,为下阶段各项工作的全面开展提供了保障。
    On January 19, 2020, Mr. Bin LIU (Deputy Secretary-General of the Working Committee) held a work conference with Mr. Hui ZHOU, (Chairman of the Canada Online School). By this meeting, in-depth discussion was taken in the areas of Canada high school course on-line teaching platform - OSSD, qualification authentication, teacher training, enrolment scope and propaganda promotion, etc. , which provides a guarantee for the comprehensive development of various tasks in the next stage.
  • 2020年1月23日,中国国际青少年机器人日本九州交流团圆满完成交流学习任务,搭乘中国国际航空公司班机于下午18点50分降落在北京首都国际机场。
    On January 23, 2019, the delegation of China International Youth Robot Exchange for Kyushu of Japan successfully completed the exchange programme, and landed at Beijing Capital International Airport at 18:50 via Air China.
  • 2020年1月23日,中国国际青少年机器人韩国交流团圆满完成交流学习任务,搭乘中国国际航空公司班机于下午18点50分降落在北京首都国际机场。
    On January 23, 2019, the delegation of China International Youth Robot Exchange for South Korea successfully completed the exchange programme, and landed at Beijing Capital International Airport at 18:50 via Air China.
  • 2020年2月13日,校工委副秘书长刘彬同志、赛事管理部主任张鑫同志、赛事管理部副主任张望同志、秘书处刘澍斌等同志与日本电通太科(北京)广告有限公司执行总监魏屹春女士、促销策划部副主任督导罗子峰先生等人共同召开了网络工作会议,双方就开展全国美容技能大赛、全国美容晋级大赛、国际美容技能大赛等方面的工作进行了沟通与探讨,明确了2020年为赛事筹备年,2021年开始全面进入赛事执行阶段。
    On February 13, 2020, The Working Committee represented by Mr. Bin LIU (Deputy Secretary-General), Mr. Xin ZHANG (Director of the Event Management Dept.), Mr. Wang ZHANG (Deputy Director of the Event Management Dept.), Mr. Shubin LIU of the Secretariat jointly held a network work conference with Dentsu(Beijing)represented by Ms. Yichun WEI (Executive Director ) and Mr. Zifeng LUO (Deputy Director of the Promotion Planning Dept.). During this meeting, both sides discuss and communicate on launching series of events as National Beauty Skill Competition, National Beauty Promotion Competition, and International Beauty Skill Competition. It is clear that 2020 is for event preparation, and 2021 is for overall execution.
  • 2020年2月19日,校工委副秘书长兼交流中心主任陈浩教授、副秘书长刘彬同志、职业教育部副主任张鑫同志、赛事管理部副主任张望同志、秘书处刘澍斌等同志与加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省理工学院(BCIT)国际学院院长Lawrence Gu先生、加拿大易学教育集团总经理安兵先生、首席营销官李淑云女士共同召开了网络工作会议,双方本着合作共赢、共同发展、共同发挥资源优势的原则,针对中国留学生赴BCIT留学事宜,进一步明确了关于国内外英语教学安排、相关专业介绍、课程开发、资格认证、师资培养、招生范围、宣传推广等方面的工作内容,为下阶段各项工作的全面开展奠定了基础。
    On February 19, 2020, Prof. Hao CHEN (Deputy Secretary-General of the Working Committee and Director of the Communication Center), Mr. Bin LIU(Deputy Secretary-General), Mr. Xin ZHANG (Deputy Director of the Vocational Education Department), Mr. Wang ZHANG (Deputy Director of the Event Management Department), and Mr. Shubin LIU from the Secretariat held a network working conference with Mr. Lawrence Gu(Dean of the International College of British Columbia Institute of Technology [short for BCIT]), Mr. Bing AN (CEO of EZ EDUCATION CORP), and Ms. Nancy LI (CMO of EZ EDUCATION CORP). In the principle of win-win cooperation and developing resource superiority, both sides discuss on issues about Chinese oversea students to study in BCIT, and further clarify the work content of domestic and foreign English teaching arrangements, related specialty introductions, curriculum development, qualification certification, teacher training, enrollment scope, publicity and promotion, etc. This meeting has laid a solid foundation for the comprehensive development of various tasks in the next stage.
  • 2020年2月19日,校工委收到日本公益财团法人国际青年少年研修协会会长工藤 典詮的来信,来信的标题以“加油!中国的孩子们”表达了诚挚的问候和良好的祝愿,鼓励孩子们拿出精气神,祝愿孩子们战胜疫情,平安健康,欢迎孩子们积极参与参加日本交流活动。
    On February 19, 2020, the Working Committee received a letter from Mr. MICHINORI KUDO, president of International Youth Association of Japan KSKK. The letter is titled by“Fighting, Dear Chinese kids!”, expressing sincere greeting and wishes that encourage the kids to cheer up and to defeat the COVID-19. Wish all the kids be safe and healthy, and welcome to Exchange Activities in Japan!
    International Youth Association of Japan KSKK, an organization accepted by government (the Cabinet Office) and under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education-Science Department for cultivating the youth. As the name of the organization indicates, we have been dedicated in exchange activities and training for the youth from all over the world in the past 40 years.
  • 2020年2月28日,校工委副秘书长刘彬同志、职业教育部副主任张鑫同志、秘书处刘澍斌同志等人与Canada Online School董事长周辉、校长YI Chen(BILL)Zhou召开了工作会议,双方就加拿大在线教育项目的合作细节进行了沟通,明确了学分互认、课程安排、OSSLT考试细则、WTC语言课程授课模式、师资培养、英语互认体系等方面的工作,为下阶段课程顺利上线奠定了基础。
    On February 28, 2020, The Working Committee represented by Mr.Bin LIU - Deputy Secretary-General, Mr. Xin ZHANG - Deputy Director of the Vocational Education Division, Mr. Shubin LIU of the Secretariat hold a working conference with Canada Online School represented by Mr.YI Chen(BILL) Zhou -The Principal. The two sides discuss the details of cooperation on the on-line education program, and further clarify the work on mutual recognition of credit, curriculum arrangement, OSSLT examination rules, WTC language teaching mode, teacher training and mutual recognition system for English etc., which lay a solid foundation for the successful launch of curriculum in the next stage.
  • 2020年3月12日,交流中心收到亚太机器人·AI教育联合会转来日本46所小学1459封学生来信,学生们在信中真诚表达了对中国各地、特别是武汉地区发生新冠病毒疫情的关心和对我国战胜疫情、挑战困难的美好祝愿。
    On March 12, 2020, the Exchange Center receives 1459 letters from students of 46 primary schools in Japan, which are forwarded by Asia-Pacific Robotic AI Education Federation. In those letters, the Japanese students sincerely express their concerns for the outbreak of Covid-19 in China, especially in Wuhan, and best wishes for China to overcome the epidemic and difficulties.
  • 2020年3月12日,交流中心收到亚太机器人·AI教育联合会转来日本46所小学1459封学生来信,信中内容对中国国际青少年机器人交流活动日本团,多次赴日本各地交流学习过程中,与广大日本青少年学生建立了深厚的友谊,表达了中日两国人民唇齿相依的友好近邻关系。
    On March 12, 2020, the Exchange Center receives 1459 letters from students of 46 primary schools in Japan, which is forwarded by the Asia-Pacific Robotic AI Education Federation. In the process of exchange and learning in Japan, the Japan delegation of China International Youth Robot Exchange Activities have visit various places in Japan, the youth from both countries have established a deep friendship, which is a good sign of closely related and mutually dependent interdependence of our people.
  • 2020年3月12日,交流中心收到亚太机器人·AI教育联合会转来日本46所小学1459封学生的来信,信中的内容充分体现了日本广大学生在疫情的这个特殊时期,勉励中国学生的同时也激励着日本孩子们挑战自我,坚定信心,战胜疫情。
    On March 12, 2020, the Exchange Center receives 1459 letters from students of 46 primary schools in Japan,which are forwarded by Asia-Pacific Robotic AI Education Federation. In this special period of COVID-19 outbreak,the Japanese students encourage Chinese students as well as themselves to challenge oneself, to strengthen the confidence and then to overcome the epidemic.
  • 2020年3月12日,交流中心收到亚太机器人·AI教育联合会转来日本46所小学1459封学生的来信后,对亚太机器人·AI教育联合会为中日两国青少年文化合作、教育合作做出的努力和贡献表示由衷的感谢,为双方在今后中日民间外交交流项目友好合作起到了积极的推动作用。
    On March 12, 2020, After the Exchange Center receives 1459 letters from students from 46 primary schools in Japan, which are forwarded by Asia-Pacific Robotics AI Education Federation. The Exchange Center thanks Asia-Pacific Robotics AI Education Federation for its effort and contribution to cultural cooperation and education cooperation between Chinese and Japanese youth, it has played a positive role in promoting friendly cooperation between two sides in future Sino-Japan non-governmental diplomatic exchange projects.
  • 2020年3月18日,教育部应对疫情工作领导小组办公室主任王登峰教授一行,到全国学校体育联盟机器人工委新闻中心,参观由工委交流中心举办的来自日本46所公立小学1459名学生手绘明信片展览,这些明信片表达了他们对我国战胜疫情充满必胜信心的祝愿。
    On March 18, 2020, Prof. Wang Dengfeng, Director of the Epidemic-Confronting Leadership Group Office of the Ministry of Education, visited News Center of The National School Sports League Robot Working Committee for an exhibition featuring hand-painted postcards by 1,459 students from 46 public elementary schools in Japan and hosted by the Exchange Center of the Working Committee. Through those postcards,their well-wishes and full confidence in China’s victory against the epidemic have been demonstrated.
  • 2020年3月18日,教育部应对疫情工作领导小组办公室主任王登峰教授一行,参观由工委交流中心举办的来自日本46所公立小学1459名学生手绘明信片展览时,在全国学校联盟网大家关怀寄语薄上题字:“日本小朋友们的祝福会成为中日共同携手战胜疫情的动力。”
    On March 18, 2020, Prof. Wang Dengfeng, Director of the Epidemic-Confronting Leadership Group Office of the Ministry of Education, visited the exhibition featuring hand-painted postcards by students from 46 public elementary schools in Japan, an exhibition hosted by The National School Sports League Robot Working Committee. The well-wishes he left on the message section of the National School League Web: "The blessings of the Japanese children will become the driving force for China and Japan to work together to overcome the epidemic."
  • 2020年3月18日,国家督学、中国教育发展战略学会执行会长孙霄兵教授一行,参观由工委交流中心举办的来自日本46所公立小学1459名学生手绘明信片展览时,在全国学校联盟网大家关怀寄语薄上题字:“全世界小朋友团结起来,战胜疫情。”
    On March 18, 2020, Prof. Sun Xiaobing, the National Inspector and the Executive Director of the Chinese Society of Education Development Strategy, visited the exhibition featuring hand-painted postcards by students from 46 public elementary schools in Japan, an exhibition hosted by The National School Sports League Robot Working Committee. The well-wishes he left on the message section of the National School League Web: "Children from all over the world get united, let us overcome the epidemic."
  • 2020年3月24日,北京市顺义区第二中学陈坤清校长一行,参观由工委交流中心举办的来自日本46所公立小学1459名学生手绘明信片展览时,在全国学校联盟网大家关怀寄语薄上题字:“祝全国学校体育联盟(机器人)发展越来越好,祝国际交流活动越办越成功。”
    On March 24, 2020, the principal of Beijing Shunyi No.2 Middle School - Mr. Kunqing Chen and his team visit the Exhibition held by the Exchange Center of Message Section. In this exhibition, hand painted cards made by 1459 students from 46 primary schools in Japan are on display. After this visit, Mr. Kunqing Chen inscribes on the Message Section Note Book of National School Sports League Web: “ Wish the National School Sports League develops better and better, wish the international exchange activities become more and more successful “
  • 2020年3月24日,中国教育发展战略学会秘书长韩民一行,参观由工委交流中心举办的来自日本46所公立小学1459名学生手绘明信片展览时,在全国学校联盟网大家关怀寄语薄上题字:“中日小朋友携起手来共创中日友好的未来!”
    On March 24, 2020, Mr. Min HAN - the Secretary General of China Institute of Education Development Strategy(CSEDS) and his team have visited the Hand Painted Card Exhibition held by the Exchange Center of Message Section,in this exhibition, works made by 1459 students from 46 primary schools in Japan are on display. After this visit, Mr.Min HAN inscribes on the Message Section of National School Sports League web: “Let the Chinese kids and Japanese kids join hands to create bright future for the China-Japan friendship!”
  • 2020年3月27日,工委交流中心收到由日本NGO组织亚太机器人·AI教育联合会代表理事远藤乙彦先生转来的祝愿我国战胜疫情,中国加油的专题片。亚太机器人·AI教育联合会是专门开展创新教育、教育模式创新的NGO组织,在全球范围内开展教育教学活动。来自日本的祝愿充分表明中日两国友谊长存,中日两国青少年世代友好,为加强中日两国青少年学生之间交流学习,以中国国际青少年机器人交流活动为平台的民间外交活动开花结果。
    On March 27, 2020, the Exchange Center of the Working Committee receives a special film from Mr.ENDU OTOHIKO- The Director of Japan NGO Asia-Pacific Robot·AI Education Association, which is a feature film with the subject of Go China Go. Asia-Pacific Robot·AI Education Association is a non-governmental organization for developing innovative education and educational model innovation, who carries out educational activities on a global scale. The blessing from Japan fully shows that the friendship between China and Japan will last forever and the friendship between the youth from both sides will last from generation to generation. In order to strengthen the exchange and study between the young students of the two countries, the non-governmental diplomatic activities as the Chinese International Youth Robot Exchange Activities will blossom and bear fruit.
  • 2020年3月27日,来自日本NGO组织亚太机器人·AI教育联合会代表理事远藤乙彦先生对中国战胜疫情的祝福,充分表现出远藤乙彦先生作为日本出色的政治家、社会活动家关心中日两国关系的积极发展。远藤乙彦先生曾任日本国会议员、财务省副大臣等重要职务。
    On March 27, 2020, The blessing from Mr. ENDU OTOHIKO - the Director of Japan NGO Asia-Pacific Robot·AI Education Association, on China’s victory over the Covid-19, fully demonstrates that Mr. ENDU OTOHIKO as an outstanding stateman and social activist, he is care about the positive development of China and Japan relation. Mr.ENDU OTOHIKO once has been the member of the Parliament, Deputy Minister of Finance and other important positions.
  • 2020年3月29日,工委收到来自加拿大易学教育集团首席执行官Benny An和首席营销官Nancy Li对中国新冠病毒疫情防控工作取得胜利的贺信;加拿大易学教育集团正在积极征集加拿大青少年抗击疫情的相关作品,表达全世界联合起来,共同对抗疫情、战胜疫情的决心;期盼与工委合作的线上线下教育教学平台早日正式开展;希望得到工委提供口罩等防疫物资的援助。
    On March 29, 2020, the working committee receives Letter of Congratulation from Benny An - the CEO of Canada EZ Education Group and Nancy Li -the CMO of Canada EZ Education Group for China’s victory on Covid-19. Now they are actively collecting related works which can reflect Canadian youth’s fight with the Covid-19 and show the determination that the whole world join together to fight and defeat the Covid-19. They also wish the on-line and off-line education platforms cooperated with the school working committee will be launched as early as possible and also hope they can get assistance from the working committee of prevention materials as mouth-muffles etc.
  • 2020年3月31日,工委收到联合国亚太经济社会委员会ESBN及绿色产业委员会发来的贺信。贺信内容为祝贺中华人民共和国全国学校体育联盟(机器人)成立7周年。
    On March 31, 2020, the Working Committee receives congratulatory letter from U.N. ESCAP Sustainable Business Network(ESBN) and Task Force on Green Business, which is for The 7th Anniversary of National School Sports League (Robot) of the People’s Republic of China.
  • 2020年3月31日,工委收到联合国亚太经济社会委员会ESBN及绿色产业委员会发来的贺信。贺信中表示:贵委在开展创新教育、科技教育、人工智能教育为联合国亚太经社会相关国家开展此类教育工作起到了引领作用、借鉴作用。
    On March 31, 2020, the Working Committee receives congratulatory letters from the U.N. ESCAP Sustainable Business Network(ESBN) and Task Force on Green Business. It says: your Committee has played a leading role in work as innovative education, technology education and AI education for relevant ESCAP countries to follow.
  • 2020年3月31日,工委收到联合国亚太经济社会委员会ESBN及绿色产业委员会发来的贺信。对中国国际青少年机器人交流活动常态化在全球有关国家开展的交流学习活动表示认可。此举为世界广大青少年学生来中国,从中国走向世界等交流学习活动提供了十分重要的平台,为联合国亚太经社会在有关国家的推广工作提供了宝贵经验。
    On March 31, 2020, the Working Committee receives congratulatory letters from the U.N. ESCAP Sustainable Business Network(ESBN) and Task Force on Green Business. This letter is an affirmation on normalization and implementation of the Chinese International Youth Robot Exchange Activities, which provides an all-important platform for the youth from all over the world coming to China and for the Chinese youth going to the world, and also gives valuable experience to relevant ESCAP countries in promotion work.
  • 2020年4月3日,校工委在北京向黑山共和国驻中华人民共和国大使馆捐赠医用口罩等物资。此举充分体现出校工委在国际合作、国际交往等工作方面具有爱心的积极行动。在全球新冠病毒肆虐的特殊时期,校工委拨付抗疫专项经费,支持支援黑山人民战胜疫情,抗疫必胜的应有举措,为中黑两国学校、学生之间的友好交流学习奠定了坚实的基础。
    On April 3, 2020, in Beijing, the Work Committee donates medical masks and other materials to the Embassy of the Montenegro in China. This fully displays the Working Committee’s caring and positive actions in the work of international cooperation and international exchange. In the special period that COVID-19 ravaging the whole world, the Working Committee has allocated special fund for epidemic prevention, to support the people of Montenegro to take necessary measures to overcome the epidemic, which will lay a solid foundation for friendly exchange and learning between the schools and students from China and Montenegro.
  • 2020年5月21日上午,在新冠病毒肺炎疫情肆虐全球的特殊时期,日本青少年教育财团、日本文华传媒集团、亚太教育创新联合会、全国学校体育联盟机器人工委的代表们,分别代表各自机构,通过视频方式召开了中日青少年学生赴日、赴中交流学习活动的专项工作会议,会议历时两个多小时。各机构代表纷纷表示在疫情期间做好交流学习活动的各项筹备准备工作,疫情结束后迅速开展与中日两国青少年交流学习活动的各项工作。主要包括:
    On the morning of May 21, 2020, in the special period that Covid-19 wreaks havoc all over the world, the representatives respectively on behalf of International Youth Association of Japan KSKK, Japan Culture Media Co.,Ltd, Asia Pacific Education Association Limited and National School Sports League Robot Working Committee jointly held a special visual meeting about Japan to and fro China exchange and learning activities for over 2 hours. In this meeting, each representatives expressed that during the epidemic period they had been preparing for exchange and study activities , and would promptly carry out all related work after the Covid-19 epidemic. It mainly includes:
    1.By closer cooperation between Asia Pacific Education Association Limited with the Working Committee, relevant department of Asia Pacific Education Association Limited will work together with the International Exchange Center of the Working Committee on exploring exchange projects and business.
    2.Asia Pacific Education Association Limited officially replied to the Working Committee that the handmade works with themes on: “Sino - Japan friendship, Fight against Covid-19, Defeat the epidemic, and Cheer Japan up” by primary students from the League’s member schools had been handed over to relevant schools and responsible government departments of Japan. Further more, this meaningful specific activity had been reported to Japan’s Ministry of Culture by Asia Pacific Education Association Limited and been praised and affirmed.
    3.Asia Pacific Education Association Limited will work closely with the Working Committee in strategy and planning, so as to provide corresponding solutions and specific measures for Chinese students to study in Japan, such as: language learning, pre-masters admission permit, expense and other matters, and the specific work will be carried out by the International Exchange Center of the Working Committee;
    4.Asia Pacific Education Association Limited, Japan Vocational High School Alliance and the Working Committee have discussed the feasibility of carrying out relevant vocational qualification certification for Chinese students in Japan, such as nursing, animation and other majors;
    5.The International Exchange Center of the Working Committee and the International Youth Association of Japan KSKK will jointly organize the Chinese youth’s exchange activities in Japan, while International Youth Association of Japan KSKK is responsible for the reception work in Japan.
    6. The Exchange Center of the Working Committee is responsible for receiving Japanese youth to China for exchange and study, and other related work. The main exchange and study activities include: football, table tennis, Chinese traditional culture, calligraphy, painting, etc;
    7. The representatives generally agreed to establish China vs Japan Friendship schools with characteristics of representative, academic profession and culture on a annual basis, and to formulate the selection and evaluation mechanism of friendship schools.
  • 2020年5月26日,校工委副秘书长刘彬同志、副秘书长兼交流中心主任张鑫同志与加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省理工学院(BCIT)国际学院院长Lawrence Gu先生、加拿大易学教育集团总经理安兵先生、首席营销官李淑云女士共同召开了网络工作会议,为适应新型冠状病毒特殊时期新形势下加拿大国际课程教育教学活动的需求,双方就线上教学、线上考核、线上认证、招生优惠政策、留学保障等方面进行了沟通,为疫情过后此项工作的顺利开展进行了相应的储备、准备工作。
    On May 26, 2020, Mr. Liu Bin, Deputy Secretary-general of the Working Committee and Mr. Zhang Xin, Deputy Secretary-general and Director of the Exchange Center held a web meeting with Mr. Lawrence Gu, Dean of Canada- based British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), Mr. An Bing, General Manager of Canada EZ Education, and Ms. Li Shuyun, CMO of Canada EZ Education. In order to meet the need of teaching and education of Canada international courses under the new situation in the special period of Covid-19, both parties communicated on online teaching, online examination, online certification, enrollment preferential policies, guarantee for study abroad etc., and made corresponding reserves and preparations for the smooth development of the work after the epidemic.
  • 5月20日至26日,关于在北京建设全国青少年校园足球九松训练中心等工作计划取得了阶段性的成果。5月20日,全国青少年校园足球工作领导小组办公室主任王登峰同志一行在何晨光等同志的陪同下,考察了拟建设2-3个国际标准足球场的现场,王登峰同志对现场环境、周边环境、交通、食宿配套设施等表示符合足球教育教学、国际国内交流、培训、国内国际各级比赛等要求,提出尽快与北京市密云区教委沟通,报全国青少年校园足球工作领导小组办公室批准,并做好规划投资建设、人才专业团队等筹备准备工作。截至发稿时间,报批前的各项准备、沟通协调等工作已基本就绪,预计将于2020年6月份获批。
    From May 20 to 26, the work plan of building the National Youth Campus Football Jiusong Training Center in Beijing has achieved phased results. On May 20, accompanied by Mr. He Chenguang and other comrades, Wang Dengfeng, Director of the National Youth Campus Football Leading Group Office, and his delegation inspected proposed construction site of 2-3 international standard football fields. Mr. Wang expressed that the site environment, surrounding environment, transportation, accommodation facilities, etc. were in line with the requirements of football education and teaching, international and domestic exchanges and training, domestic and international competition; furthermore he would communicate with the Beijing Miyun District Education Office and would report to National Youth Campus Football Leading Group Office for approve, in the meantime, the work as planning, investment, construction, and arrangement of professional staff and team should be well performed. By the time of this news report, all the preparation, communication and coordination work before submission for approval have been basically ready, and it is expected to be approved in June this year.
  • 2020年5月26日,工委交流中心主任张鑫同志将全国青少年校园足球九松训练中心等工作进展向日本电通太科株式会社进行了相关信息的通报,旨在按照5月18日工委代表和日本电通太科株式会社代表工作会议精神有计划的互通信息,真正做到信息对称,便于双方在足球领域的国际合作、国际交流等工作积极开展,此举是对中国国际青少年机器人交流活动内容的丰富和完善。
    On May 26, 2020, Comrade Zhang Xin, Director of the Exchange Center of the Working Committee, made a presentation on the work progress of the National Youth Campus Football Jiusong Training Center and related work to Japan Dentsu Group, for the purpose of exchanging information as planned in accordance with the spirit of meeting on May 18, so as to truly realize information symmetry and facilitate the mutual international cooperation on football and the work of international exchange activities. This move has enriched and improved the content of China International Youth Robot Exchange Activities.
  • 2020年5月26日,拟在投资建设、规划建设的全国青少年校园足球九松训练中心建成后与日本高中联盟在足球教育教学、体育教学、国际比赛、中国培训、日本培训、国际交流等方面开展基地式的战略合作、策略合作、紧密合作于向全国青少年校园足球领导小组办公室做了信息通报,并得到全国青少年校园足球领导小组办公室的赞誉和工作肯定。日本电通太科株式会社旗下的世界体育发展局负责日本高中足球联赛的日常运营等管理工作,工委与日本电通株式会社代表关于中日两国青少年学生足球教学、比赛、交流、培训等工作已达成了共识。
    On May 26, 2020, the Working Committee reported to the National Youth Campus Football Leading Group Office that after the proposed National Youth Campus Football Jiusong Training Center being constructed, the Working Committee will embark strategic, tactics and combined effort cooperation with Japan High School Union on football teaching and education, sports teaching, international competition, training in China, training in Japan, international exchange, etc., and earned praise and affirm from the leading group office. The World Sports Development Bureau of Japan Dentsu Group is responsible for the daily operation and other management of All Japan High School Soccer Tournament. The representatives from the Working Committee and Dentsu have reached a consensus on the football teaching, competition, exchange activities, training and other work for young students both in China and Japan.
  • 日本高中足球联赛在日本名为“全国高校サッカー选手権大会”,主办方为日本足球协会和日本全国高等学校体育联盟,日本各地40余家电视台,以及各地的媒体和企业,日本各地代表队48支(东京2支),决赛地为东京,英文名称是「ALL JAPAN HIGH SCHOOL SOCCER TOURNAMENT」。该项赛事早在1917年就开始举办,累计参加过该项赛事的球队已达到4080支,期间因第二次世界大战停办了5届,之后就一直持续到今天,目前已经举办到98届,日本政府体育厅、读卖新闻社、各地教育委员会作为后援单位、各大型企业单位作为赞助单位均鼎力支持此项赛事。赛事决赛举办地为2002年日韩世界杯决赛主赛场埼玉体育场,作为亚洲最大的专业足球场,这里是全日本所有高中球员心中的圣地。大会赛制采用单败淘汰制,前3名的优胜队进行1/4半决赛和决赛,由于比赛异常激烈,并极具观赏性和偶然性,因此学校、老师、学生们都以能够参与此项比赛为最高殊荣。同时此项赛事也成为日本职业俱乐部、欧美足球俱乐部选秀的通道,走出了中村俊辅、本田圭佑、柴崎岳、大迫勇也等著名足球明星。
    Japan All Japan High School Soccer Tournament is called “全国高校サッカー选手権大会” in Japanese, which is organized by Japan Football Association (JFA) and Japan National Higher Education School Sports Union, supported by 40 television stations, local medias and enterprises around the country. There are total 48 representative teams from all over Japan (2 from Tokyo) and with Tokyo as the final place. Its English name is “ALL JAPAN HIGH SCHOOL SOCCER TOURNAMENT ”. This tournament was held as early as 1917, with a total of 4,080 teams having participated in this event. This tournament was only suspended for five times due to the Second World War, and has continued to this day. At present, it has been held to the 98th , with government sports departments, Yomiuri Shimbun, and local education committees as backup units, and various large-scale enterprises as sponsors for fully supports. The final is held in Saitama stadium, the main venue of the 2002 World Cup Finals of Japan VS South Korea. As the largest professional football field in Asia, it is the Holy Land in the hearts of all high school players in Japan. The competition system adopts the single defeat elimination system. The top three winning teams will have 1 / 4 semi-finals and finals. Because the competition is extremely fierce and very ornamental and accidental, the schools, teachers and students all take the participation in this tournament as the highest honor. At the same time, this tournament has also become the channel for talent selection of Japanese,European and American professional football clubs, and has stepped out the famous football stars such as Shunsuke Nakamura, Keisuke Honda, Gaku Shibasaki and Yuya Osako.